
Surprised by Hope is unavailable, but you can change that!

What do Christians hope for? To leave this wicked world and go to ‘heaven’? For the ‘kingdom of God’ to grow gradually on earth? What do we mean by the ‘resurrection of the body’, and how does that fit with the popular image of sitting on clouds playing harps? And how does all this affect the way we live in the here and now? Tom Wright, one of our leading theologians, addresses these questions...

walk down the hill towards the sea, you come to the town called Easington Colliery. The town still bears that name, but there is no colliery there any more. Where the pit head once stood, with thousands of people at work and producing more coal, faster and more efficiently, than most other pits, there is smooth and level grass. Empty to the eye, but pregnant with bereavement. All around, despite the heroic efforts of local leaders, there are the signs of post-industrial blight, with all the human
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